
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Same Shit Different Toilet.

Well today shall be interesting, i'm going go karting with four of my good friends. But my god. Lemme talk about my past two days. I met a sexy Zac Efron look alike at Publix. He was B-E-A-U-TIFUL! Like seriously. I fell in love. He had one gimple that i would love to lick with my tongue. (; Hairy Queen is asking me for a clip. Annoying bitch. Anywho. Florida is hott as 10 fat bitches in a ferris wheel. Well I'll talk later. OOsh & flaka my friends, Oosh & flaka.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shrek Babies & Dronkeys

So for those of you who don't know me, i have a sick obsession. Like it's creepy. Some of us, for example my bestfriend Hairy Queen is obsessed with house music, comedian Kathy Griffin is obsessed with toddler pagaents, I my friends- I am obsessed with Shrek & Princess Fiona's Triplets... THE OGRE BABIES! Yeah Donkey & Dragon's five babies Parfait, Cocoa, Peanut, Bananas, & Debbie are great, but i feel like the Ogre babies are too amazing for words. *tear* These little slime-colored ass-smelling babies even have names! *gasp* They are: Fergus, Felicia, & Farkle. Now that's attractive. My obsession is bad. I seriously am going to end up in rehab with crackwhores & Lindsay Lohan if Hairy Queen, Snookie, or Stanky (her scalp smells like well water/ she is a bff of mine) don't get me help. Well i'm just doing a lil intro to my obsession, which will be in many future blogs. So be prepared, it's about to get Shrek in hurrr! Oosh & Flaka my friends, Oosh & Flaka.

Greetings Creepers.

Hello betches. Welcome to my cyber hell hole or as you may call it my... BLOG! So I decided i'm tired of betchin' about my life & the playhouse disney shit that goes on in it & I thought i'd share it with people that matter. Like you. You matter. A lot. Anywhoodles, I would just like to put this out there before I get started:
1. No I don't always type grammatically correct.
2. I cuss, a lot. So if you don't like the words bitch, damn, shit, trollop, farkle, etc. then I suggest you go read someone else's blog.
3. I am not a bitch. I'm sarcastic.
So yuhh bruh bruhs. My name on here is The Slusher. Slusher is my last name & that is what a lot of people call me. Slush, slushy, the slusher, slushaaa, slush-in-the-box, you get the point? So you can call me that. Say slut & not slush & get cyber bitch slapped. K booboo's (:
Btw I am doing this cz my bestfriend, let's call her Hairy Queen, does not believe i can be a blogger. Well blog on this hoeee.
So enjoy & i hope you will actually view this shit. Oosh & Flaka my friends, Oosh & Flaka (: